Confirm entity information as they will appear on the LEI code with GLEIF
Confirm Entity information and contact info
Is a signing authority and can order a LEI code
Enter whether you are a signing authority
How many years the LEI code should be valid for
Select how many years the LEI code should be valid for
Accept terms and conditions governing the LEI code application process
Read and accept terms and conditions
Pay and receive your LEI code as fast as possible
Pay and receive your LEI code as fast as possible

New LEI number

LEI number application: your Legal Entity Identifier registration

Do you require a Legal Entity Identifier? If you do not have an existing LEI number, our LEI application form will help you obtain one on this page.

To help us get started on your LEI registration, please complete the LEI application form above. If you need help completing the form, please refer to our guide below.

If you are unsure if you already have an LEI number, simply enter your company number or name in the form above. We will then automatically check your details with GLEIF for you.

What is an LEI number?

An LEI number, or LEI code, is a 20-character code which functions as an international company or entity registration number. It references important information which offers transparency when partaking in financial transactions such as trading stocks, bonds, or forex. All legal entities – companies, charities, trusts, organisations, banks, and more – participating and dealing in financial transactions, stocks, bonds, and other securities in the UK require an LEI code.

At LEI Service, we aid legal entities obtain an LEI number quickly, easily, and affordably. We are a highly experienced registration agent assisting businesses, funds, and other legal entities in obtaining an LEI number. We offer English-speaking customer service via phone and e-mail.

LEI application

You can apply for an LEI number simply by using our LEI application form above. Fill in your entity/company number or name, confirm the data from Companies House, and choose how many years you would like your LEI validity period to last. Confirm your purchase, and your LEI application is now in progress.

LEI registration lookup

When you complete your LEI application and place your order with LEI Service, we will automatically check that your entity does not already have an existing LEI registration. It is not possible to obtain more than one LEI number per legal entity, and our service therefore includes an automatic LEI registration lookup.

LEI registration: UK

At LEI Service, we believe in transparency. We therefore advise you to research and compare our prices and terms with those offered by our competitors before you choose us as your LEI registration agent. This way, you are sure to choose the registration agent best suited to your requirements.

Below, you will find our guide to the LEI application form. Follow the steps described to complete your UK LEI number application.

LEI application guide

Our application process is fast and easy. Simply follow the steps below:

Enter your entity/business registration number or name, fill out any blanks, and check for incorrect information

Select your preferred LEI validity period and pay with your credit card or by bank transfer.

We will submit your data for verification. When your information is verified, you will receive your LEI number via e-mail.

If we are unable to verify your data with the local authorities or your entity is not listed in Companies House (e.g. Trust or a Fund), we will contact you for additional information regarding your application. Once your application is approved, the LEI number will be issued.

LEI British Virgin Islands, Jersey or Guernsey

If you need a LEI for a British Virgin Island entity, please visit:

If you need a LEI for a Jersey entity, please visit:

If you need a LEI for a Guernsey entity, please visit:

We are not able to process any other entities than UK entities on this website.

What if I am not able to provide information concerning the ownership structure of the legal entity?

If the legal entity applying for an LEI number is owned by another entity, or the legal entity is unable to provide information concerning these relations, the reason or exception must be specified. Reasons and exceptions include:

  • The entity is owned or controlled by one or more person(s)
  • The parent entity does not consolidate accounts
  • The entity does not have a parent entity according to the GLEIF Legal Entity Identifier definition (no known person controls the entity, i.e. diversified shareholding)
  • Legal restrictions prevent the applicant from publishing or providing this information
  • Legal commitments prevent the applicant from publishing or providing this information
  • Consent has not been sought from the parent entity to publish or provide this information
  • The parent entity is unable to confirm whether providing this information would be detrimental to the applicant’s entity or not
  • Disclosure of this information would be detrimental to the applicant’s entity or its parent entity


Here you can get the most affordable LEI enabling your company or fund to engage in financial transactions in a safe way.

You will in most cases need a LEI. Entities subject to the MiFID II / EMIR regulations must have a LEI. Banks and investment platforms are required to see a valid LEI before you can trade in those cases.

We need your entity registration number and in rare cases additional information about ownership structure. In most cases we will automatically get the relevant information from the business register. Please note, for funds and other special legal entities we do require additional information.

If you need more than one LEI number in one order, please send us an e-mail at We will then make sure to help you with this in the easiest way possible and see that you get lowest LEI number price possible.

If you wish to carry out transactions on the financial markets, then most companies need a LEI number. The LEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier and can be thought of as an international business number.

To promote transparency concerning which parties are involved in financial transactions, the LEI system has been implemented. The aim of the LEI system is, among other things, to reduce the risk of money laundering and other criminal actions.

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