LEI number prices

Find the solution with the best fit below – all our solutions include free support by phone and unlimited e-mail support.

New LEI number

Phone support : Free
Email support : Free
GLEIF Fee : Included
1 year
3 years(save £12.00)
5 years(save £75.00)
per year

Renew LEI code

Renew your existing LEI code

Phone support : Free
Email support : Free
GLEIF Fee : Included
1 year
3 years(save £12.00)
5 years(save £75.00)
per year

Transfer and LEI number renewal

Transfer and LEI number renewal

Phone support : Free
Email support : Free
GLEIF Fee : Included
1 year
3 years(save £12.00)
5 years(save £75.00)
per year

LEI pricing

Find the solution most suitable for you below. All our solutions include free phone support as well as free and unlimited e-mail support.

LEI number prices

Below, you will find our LEI prices. Our prices exclude any applicable VAT. An LEI renewal is priced as a new LEI number registration.

The LEI Service pricing includes English-speaking customer service available to assist you via phone and e-mail. The LEI prices listed here also include free updates in the event that changes are made to the legal entity. This ensures that the LEI information recorded in the GLEIF LEI database is always correct and up-to-date.

Do you require a bulk LEI order? Please contact us at info@leiservice.co.uk

LEI price comparison

Below, we have included a comparison between our LEI prices and the LEI prices of some of our UK competitors for a new LEI number registration as of 19.11.2024:

  • LEI Service – £49 for a new or transfer and renewal of a LEI number
  • London Stock Exchange – £90 for a new LEI number
  • Trustify Ltd. – £70 for a new LEI number


The price for an LEI number includes:

  • Unlimited assistance with your LEI number application until its approval or rejection by GLEIF

  • Unlimited phone and e-mail support

  • Free updates to your LEI information in the event that any changes are made to your legal entity

An LEI number has an initial registration fee as well as an annual maintenance fee. You can save money on your annual renewal fee by choosing one of our multi-year renewal solutions.

The cost of an LEI renewal depends on the solution you choose. If you choose to renew your LEI for 1 year with LEI Service, the renewal cost is £49 (excluding any applicable VAT) – the same price as a new LEI registration. Select one of our multi-year solutions to save money on your LEI renewal.

There are two payment options for an LEI number:

  • If a legal entity chooses to perform the registration themselves, the legal entity will pay the registration fee

  • A non-related legal entity has been authorised to manage the LEI registration on behalf of the legal entity. This is called assisted registration. In this case, the LEI number charges will be paid by the entity managing the LEI registration

If you are registering a new LEI number with LEI Service, the LEI number fee for 1 year is £49 excluding any applicable VAT.

You can find price comparison sites online which will help you compare our prices to the prices of our competitors. This can help you find the most affordable LEI price. Please visit https://leiprices.com/ for an overview of LEI number prices.

See our prices here

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